Articles and Publications


Already as student, Msgr. Kuriakose used to publish articles and literary pieces in Malayalam media. In the Seminary, he has been in charge of the Literary Association and Editorial Board member. After his journalism course, he was appointed Associate Editor of Sathadeepam(1985-88), under the Editorship of Rev. Dr. Paul Thelakkat. He was also associated with St. Thomas Academy Research News. During this period, Msgr. Kuriakose had published numerous articles in Malayalam.

Some of the Publications

  1. The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches: An Introduction to its History and Content (Star Pub. 1992)
  2. The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches: A Study and Interpretation (Co-editor) (Star Pub. 1993)
  3. IusParticulare Ecclesiae Sui Iuris, Problems and Prospects for the Syro-Malabar Church (Rome 1994) Doctoral dissertation.
  4. Il Diritto Orientale nell’Ordinamento Ecclesiale (Editor) Libreria Editrice Vaticana (1995)
  5. Particular Law of the Oriental Churches,Maron Publications Brooklyn, USA (1996) 
  6. Various articles on Canon Law and on the Syro-Malabar Church in Italian in L’Osservatore Romano; also different articles in Spanish and French published in from Universite’ de Strasbourg and Universidad de Navarra (Spain).