Bio-data (Longer version)

His Grace Archbishop Dr.  Kuriakose Bharanikulangara

Born: 01.02.1959 

St. Augustine Parish Karippassery (Moozhikkulam Forane)

School education

Government Lower Primary School, Vattaparambu

St. Mary Upper Primary School, Moozhikkulam

Government High School, Puliyanam

Seminary education: 

Sacred Heart Minor Seminary, Trikkakara (1973-1976)

St. Joseph Carmelgiri -Philosophy  (1976-1979)

St. Joseph Seminary, Mangalapuzha-Aluva (1979-1983)

Priestly Ordination

18 December 1983 by Bishop Sebastian Mankuzhikkary  at St Joseph Seminary,Aluva;

 First Holy Mass on 21 December 1983 at St. Augustine Church, Karippassery

University studies in Malayalam language and literature:

from Kerala University (1984-1988)

P.G. Diploma in Journalism and Communication:

Bharathiya Vidhya Bhavan with a paper on Investigative Journalism (rank-holder).

Pastoral Duties

Assistant, St. Mary Forane Church, Tripunithura (December 1983-February 1988);
Acting Parish Priest at St. George Church, Thiruvankulam.St. Mary Church Vimalagiri, Malayatoor (1988)

Higher Studies

Licentiate in Latin Canon Law: Pontifical Lateran University, Rome (1989-90);

Licentiate in Oriental Canon Law: Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome (1990-1991);

Doctorate in Oriental Canon Law

Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, with research work on Particular Law of a suiiuris Church: a Blueprint for the Syro-Malabar Church (1992-1994)

Post Doctoral Studies in Jurisprudence: from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (1994)

Specialization and Degrees

Diploma in Religious Studies from the Congregation for Religious Life (1990);

Diploma on Sacraments - Ratumet non consummatum, from Congregation for Divine Worship and Sacraments (1992)

Diploma in Canonization: from Congregation for the Causes of the Saints (1993). With this background, Msgr. Kuriakose has been involved in the beatification process of St Mariam Thresia, which was successfully competed together with Rev. Fr. George Nedungatt SJ, as Assistant Vice Postulator in cause of St.MariamThresia (1995).

Linguistic Preparation 

Diploma in Italian Language and literature from the Universita per gli Stranieri, Perugia

Diploma in French language from Institute St. Luis de Francaise

Diploma in Spanish language from, University of Salamanca, Spain

Advanced course of German langue and literature

Working knowledge of Hindi, Arabic, Latin, Greek and Hebrew

Diplomatic Training

Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy (Diplomatic Academy of the Vatican).

Collaboration with the Roman Curia:In the Synod of Bishops on Religious life (1994) and on Africa (1995) Mons. Kuriakose has been selected as secretarial staff of the Synod; In the Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church held in Rome (1992), he served as a local contact person and facilitator.


Parents : Alia and Late B.V. Antony 

Brothers & Sisters : Varghese, Sosannam (Thoppilan, Aimury), Bro. B.A. Kurian, St. Gabriel Brothers Gauhatty Province; Devassikutty (Federal Bank), Johney (BSNL), Babu (AppoloTyres).

Home Address 

KuriakoseBharanikulangara (H), 
Karippassery,Vattaparambu P.O., Pin 683 579, Ernakulam Dt., Kerala, India 
Tel: 0484-2473340 (E-mail: 

Office Address

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara
Bishop House
1 B/3N.E.A., Old Rajinder Nager 
New Delhi 110 005
Tel: 011 25759160,  011 25812346,
E-Mail :


By His Eminence Cardinal Mar George Alencherry on 26th May, 2012 at Thyagaraja Indoor Stadium, New Delhi in the presence of a large audience including eminent prelates, relatives, ministers, political bigwigs, diplomats, bureaucrats and thousands of faithful.