ACT- Adoration, Celebration, Togetherness_ DSYM Workshop Program at St Paul's School, Hauz Khas
ACT- Adoration, Celebration, Togetherness_ DSYM Workshop Program at St Paul's School, Hauz Khas
ACT- Adoration, Celebration, Togetherness_ DSYM Workshop Program at St Paul's School, Hauz Khas

Altar Servers' Meet, at Jasola on 25th October organised by Altar Servers' Association.
Altar Servers' Meet, at Jasola on 25th October organised by Altar Servers' Association.

Altar Servers' Meet, at Jasola on 25th October organised by Altar Servers' Association.

'BETHEL' Residential Retreat for Children, October 2 -5. Organised by Holy Childhood Association.

'BETHEL' Residential Retreat for Children, October 2 -5. Organised by Holy Childhood Association.

'BETHEL' Residential Retreat for Children, October 2 -5. Organised by Holy Childhood Association.
Convocation Ceremony of the First Batch of Lay Theologians (BTh) of the Diocese of Faridabad, at St. Michael's School, Karol Bagh, New Delhi, on Tuesday, 11th October 2022
Mathrusamgamam '22- Annual Day Celebration of Mathruvedi on 09 October 2022 at Don Bosco School, Alakananda
Mathrusamgamam '22- Annual Day Celebration of Mathruvedi on 09 October 2022 at Don Bosco School, Alakananda
Mathrusamgamam '22- Annual Day Celebration of Mathruvedi on 09 October 2022 at Don Bosco School, Alakananda
Nurses Guild Anuual Meet 2022, on 28 August 2022 at Fatimamatha Forane Church, Jasola
Nurses Guild Anuual Meet 2022, on 28 August 2022 at Fatimamatha Forane Church, Jasola

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara celebrates Holy Mass at the site of the demolished church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara along with other representatives of the diocese meet Shri Arvind Kejriwal and submit the petition regarding the demolition of the church at Andheria Mor, New Delh

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara along with other representatives of the diocese meet Shri Arvind Kejriwal and submit the petition regarding the demolition of the church at Andheria Mor, New Delh

Mrs. Nancy Barlow, member of Delhi Minorities Commission visit the site of the demolished church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara visit the site of the demolished church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara visit the site of the demolished church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi
Fr Jose Kannukuzhy and the Parish Council Representatives meet the Kerala Chief Minister, Shri Pinarayi Vijayan regarding the demolition of the church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi.

Holy Mass celebrated at the site of the demolished church at Andheria Mor on 12 July 2021

Protest against the unjust demolition of Little Flower Church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi

Protest against the unjust demolition of Little Flower Church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi

Protest against the unjust demolition of Little Flower Church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi

Protest against the unjust demolition of Little Flower Church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi

Little Flower Church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi was demolished by the authorities unjustly on 12 July 2021

Little Flower Church at Andheria Mor, New Delhi was demolished by the authorities unjustly on 12 July 2021

The Unjust Demolition of Little Flower Church, at Andheria Mor, New Delhi by the Authorities

The Unjust Demolition of Little Flower Church, at Andheria Mor, New Delhi by the Authorities

Visit of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara to Punjab on 25 June 2021 to meet the new missionary priests

Visit of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara to Punjab on 25 June 2021 to meet the new missionary priests

Inauguration of the Vaccination Drive by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara

Inauguration of the Vaccination Drive by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara
Welcome to Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli, new Apostolic Nuncio to India
Welcome to Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli, new Apostolic Nuncio to India

Inauguration of the Tenth Year Anniversary of Faridabad Diocese by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara on 27 May 2021

Congratulations to Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara on His Ninth Episcopal Anniversary on 26 May 2021

Welcome to Rev. Fr. Jacob Arakkal, the New Rector of St Chavara Kuriakose Minor Seminary, Thommankuthu
Release of the new Punjabi Missel and also a Book "Doxo To Deo (Glory to God): A Historical Sketch of Punjab Mission written by Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal

Farewell to Fr Sebastian Areeparambil

Farewell to Fr Julius Job

Farewell to Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal for his services in the Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi as Vicar General and Mission Coordianator

Chrism Mass on 30 March 2021 at Our Lady of Fatima Forane Church, Jasola

Chrism Mass on 30 March 2021 at Our Lady of Fatima Forane Church, Jasola

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara confers Order of Diaconate to three seminarians of the Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi on 21 April 2021 at St Chavara Kuriakose Minor Seminary, Thommankuthu

Vestition of Seminarians by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara on 21 April 2021 at St Chavara Kuriakose Minor Seminary, Thommankuthu

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara presides over Easter Vigil Services on 04 April 2021, Easter Sunday at Kristuraja Cathedral Church, Faridabad

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara celebrates Holy Mass and blesses holy water on Holy Saturday, 03 April 2021 at St Mother Teresa Church, South Extension

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara presides over Good Friday Services at Assumption Forane Church, Mayur Vihar III on 2 April 2021

Visit of the Mathruvedhi of St Francis Assisi Church, Dilshad Garden to Punjab Mission along with Bishop Jose Puthenveettil and Fr Martin Palamattam

Inauguration of Nurses Guild by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara at Bishop's House, Karol Bagh

Visit of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara to the Home for Mentally Challenged Women run by SD sisters, Vikaspuri

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara addresses the newly formed media team at the launch the new News Bulletin of the diocese, namely, Capital Church Voice (CCV News) at Bishop's House, Karol Bagh.

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara addresses the newly formed media team at the launch the new News Bulletin of the diocese, namely, Capital Church Voice (CCV News) at Bishop's House, Karol Bagh.

Punjab Mission Priests' Gathering with Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara & Bishop Jose Puthenveetil at Prachodana Mission Animation Centre, Ludiana

Welcome to the new priests to Punjab Mission

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara celebrates Holy Mass on Ash Monday at Nirmal Hriday Church, Tagore Garden

Visit of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara to Julena Mass Center in Jasola Parish

Visit of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara to Ashram Mass Center in Jasola Parish
Reception and welcome of Sr Jasveer P S A, the first Syro Malabar Nun from Punjab, by Bishop Jose by Puthenveetil at Infant Jesus Church, Mallanwala

Birthday Celebration of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara by Diocesan Matruvedi

Birthday Celebration of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara by Diocesan Matruvedi

Inauguration of the Year of St Joseph by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara on 31 January 2021 at St Joseph's Church, Kalkaji
Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Abin Kunnappillil on 31 December 2020 at Amalolbhava Matha Church, Neendapara
Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Abin Kunnappillil on 31 December 2020 at Amalolbhava Matha Church, Neendapara

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Liviju Ambarayil on 28 December 2021 at St Sebastian's Church, Irulam

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Liviju Ambarayil on 28 December 2021 at St Sebastian's Church, Irulam

Blessing and Inauguration of Prachodana Syro Malabar Mission Animation Center

Blessing and Inauguration of Prachodana Syro Malabar Mission Animation Center

Blessing and Inauguration of Prachodana Syro Malabar Mission Animation Center

Blessing and Inauguration of Prachodana Syro Malabar Mission Animation Center

Celebration of Christmas and the Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara on 19 December 2020

Celebration of Christmas and the Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara on 19 December 2020

Celebration of Christmas and the Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara on 19 December 2020

Celebration of Christmas and the Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara on 19 December 2020

Online Motivational Sessions for Priests by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara during the Annual Retreat for Priests 2020

Online Motivational Sessions for Priests by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara during the Annual Retreat for Priests 2020

Fr Francis Karthanam gives talk during the Annual Retreat for Priests from 16-21 November 2020

Eucharistic Procession during the Annual Retreat for Priests' from 16-21 November 2020

Holy Mass by Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara during the Annual Retreat for Priests' from 16-21 November 2020

Monthly Recollection for Priests at St Francis of Assissi Forane Church, Dilshad Garden in September 2020. Those who could not be present attended it virtually.

Monthly Recollection for Priests at St Francis of Assissi Forane Church, Dilshad Garden in September 2020. Those who could not be present attended it virtually.

Monthly Recollection for Priests at St Francis of Assissi Forane Church, Dilshad Garden in September 2020. Those who could not be present attended it virtually.

Online Monthly Recollection for Priests in August 2020.

Online Monthly Recollection for Priests in August 2020.

Online Monthly Recollection for Priests in August 2020.

Archbishop's Visit, Holy Mass and Parish Council Meeting at St Jude Tadeus Church Ashok Vihar on 20/09/2020.

Archbishop's Visit, Holy Mass and Parish Council Meeting at St Jude Tadeus Church Ashok Vihar on 20/09/2020.

Archbishop's Visit, Holy Mass and Parish Council Meeting at St Jude Tadeus Church Ashok Vihar on 20/09/2020.

Happy Birthday to Msgr. Jose Vettickal

Visit of Bishop Jose Puthenveettil to Sherenwala Mission Station, Punjab.

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara interacts with the youth of Jasola Parish on his visit.

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara interacts with the youth of Jasola Parish on his visit.

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara along with Fr Julius Job, DSYM Director and the DSYM Members Releases the Poster of Bezalel (Diocesan Level Competitions for Youth).

Greetings and Prayers to Bishop Jose Puthenveettil on his Seventh Episcopal Ordination Anniversary

Mar Jose Puthenveettil blessed and inaugurated a new mission station at Dilwan Kalan, Kotkapura, Punjab

Visit of Bishop Jose Puthenveettil to Jalandhar Bishop's House

Bishop Jose Puthenveettil along with Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal, the Vicar General inaugurated the new station at Dabwali, Punjab.

Mar Jose Puthenveettil visits Bishop Ignatius Loyola Mascarenhas, the bishop of Simla-Chandigarh.

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara addresses during the Online Marriage Preparation Course.

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara addresses during the Online Marriage Preparation Course.

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara speaks during the Webinar on Christian Burial under Covid Protocol

A Glimpse of the Webinar on Christian Burial under Covid Protocol organised by Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi

A Warm Welcome to Bishop Jose Puthenveettil at the Bishop's House, Jalandhar

Bishop Agnelo Rufino Gracias, Administrator to the Diocese of Jalandhar visits Bishop Jose Puthenvettil at his residence at Ludhiana

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara welcomes Bishop Jose puthenveettil to the Punjab Mission

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara welcomes Bishop Jose puthenveettil to the Punjab Mission

Festal Greetings to His Grace Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara

Festal Greetings to His Grace Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara and Bishop Jose Puthenveetil along with Msgr. Jose Vettickal and Rev. Fr. Martin Palamattam visited the violence-affected Northeast Delhi and rendered help to t

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara and Bishop Jose Puthenveetil along with Msgr. Jose Vettickal and Rev. Fr. Martin Palamattam visited the violence-affected Northeast Delhi and rendered help to t

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara and Bishop Jose Puthenveetil along with Msgr. Jose Vettickal and Rev. Fr. Martin Palamattam visited the violence-affected Northeast Delhi and rendered help to t

Inauguration of Lenten Campaign in the Diocese of Faridabad on 01/03/2020 at Our Lady of Fatima Forane Church, Jasola.

Birthday Celebration of Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara
Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara inaugurates Catechism Teachers' Convention on 01/03/2020 Our Lady of Fatima Forane Church, Jasola

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Binto Kalathil on December 30, 2019

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Frijo Tharayil

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Frijo Tharayil

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Frijo Tharayil

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Frijo Tharayil

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Frijo Tharayil

Ordination and First Holy Mass of Fr Frijo Tharayil

Msgr. Jose Vettickal Gives Talk on Pastoral Care: Priorities and Expectations during the Priests'Refresher Course (November 13 & 14) at Sanjopuram.

Bishop Jose Puthenveetil Gives Talk during the Priests'Refresher Course (November 13 & 14) at Sanjopuram

Bishop Jose Puthenveetil Gives Talk during the Priests'Refresher Course (November 13 & 14) at Sanjopuram

Archbishop's Conference with the Priests during the Priests'Refresher Course

Archbishop's Conference with the Priests during the Priests'Refresher Course

Archbishop Gives Homily in the Holy Mass during the Priests'Refresher Course (November 13 & 14) at Sanjopuram.

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara and Bishop Jose Puthenveetil release a book written by Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal on his Jubilee

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Celebrates Holy Mass along with Bishop Jose Puthenveetil and Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal andvothers Priests of the Diocese during the Ongoing Formation Course for Pr

Welcome to Bishop Jose Puthenveetil during the Priests' Refresher Course at Sanjopuram

Priests` Refresher Course 2019 (November 13 & 14) at Sanjopuram

Msgr. Jose Edassery Falicitates Bishop Jose Puthenveetil during the Reception Ceremony on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019.

Msgr. Cyriac Kochalumkal, the Pro-Vicar General of Faridabad-Delhi Falicitates Bishop Jose Puthenveetil during the Reception Ceremony on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019.

Msgr. Robert, the Representative of Nuncio, Falicitates Bishop Jose Puthenveetil during the Reception Ceremony on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019.

Mr. Manish Sisodia, the Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Falicitates Bishop Jose Puthenveetil during the Reception Ceremony on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention.

Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar George Alencherry Presides Over the Reception Ceremony of Bishop Jose Puthenveetil on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019.

Archbishop Mar Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Welcomes Bishop Jose Puthenveetil, the New Auxiliary Bishop of Faridabad-Delhi to the Diocese during the Reception Ceremony of Bishop Jose Puthenveetil on the

Msgr. Jose Vettickal, Vicar General of Faridabad Diocese welcomes Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar George Alencherry to the Reception Ceremony of Bishop Jose Puthenveetil on the Last Day of Santhome Bibl

Archbishop Mar Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Welcomes the Dignitaries to the Reception Ceremony of Bishop Jose Puthenveetil on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019.

Welcome Dance during the Reception Ceremony of Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveetil, the New Auxiliary Bishop of Faridabad-Delhi on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019.

Grand Reception to Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveetil with the Accompaniment of Chendamelam by St Jude's Parish, Sahibabad.

Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar George Alencherry Hands Over Appointment to Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveetil as the Auxiliary Bishop of Faridabad-Delhi on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019.

Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar George Alencherry Hands Over Appointment to Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveetil as the Auxiliary Bishop of Faridabad-Delhi on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019.

Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveetil Gives Homily during Holy Mass on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention.

Rev. Fr. Thomas Kulampallil Reads Out the Decree of the Appointment of Mar Jose Puthenveetil as the Auxiliary Bishop of Faridabad-Delhi.
Priests and the people of Faridabad Diocese participating in the Holy Mass on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019
Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveetil, the New Auxiliary Bishop of Faridabad-Delhi, Celebrates Holy Mass on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019
Eucharistic Procession on the Last Day of Santhome Bible Convention, 2019

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Blesses the Faithful at the End of the Holy Eucharist on the Second Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Gives Homily during the Holy Mass on the Second Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Celebrates Holy Mass along with the Newly Ordained Priests of the Diocese

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Celebrates Holy Mass along with the Newly Ordained Priests of the Diocese

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Congratulates the Children's Choir on the Second Day of Santhome Bible Convention

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Introduces the Seminarians During Santhome Bible Convention 2019

Eucharistic Adoration on the Second Day of Santhome Bible Convention
Eucharistic Adoration on the Second Day of Santhome Bible Convention
Eucharistic Adoration at the close of the first day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019
First Day of Santhome Bible Convention 2019

Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara Inaugurates Santhome Bible Convention 2019
His Grace Archbishop Kuriakose Bharanikulangara congratulates Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveetill, on his election as the New Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi.
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